Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunset on the Crossing…

I told you there would be more pictures here… This crossing is a favourite location ever since I first wandered across it a few years ago. As an added plus the sun shines along the track as it sets. Here’s some first attempts at linesiding there. Funny how you see some things after the event: I didn't notice the utility pole behind the barrier until afterwards. Ah well...

View towards the station

Toba bound train passes. Notice that this is about the same width as a standard gauge "sprinter" in the UK. So much for "narrow gauge is small" I set this up to quickly and cropped the top of the "X"

Cars crossing the line showing the cramped nature of the site. Just after I took this picture another car turned up from behind the camera.

After the sun went down one of the more modern two-car units turned up. Of course.
(Anyone who has information to add on any of the pictures please feel free to comment)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that photo of the car at the crossing, as it shows the lights both on one side, and the booms both on the other side. Normally they are diagonally opposite, with the light on the side facing the cars. I did this on Setagaya (, and always thought it looked 'wrong' - now I know it was OK :-)